Hello and welcome to Domi’s Library! I’m Dominik and I created this website in order to share one of my great passions with the world –> my love for Books!
I live in Croatia where I spend my working hours as an engineer. As we all know, free time is very scarce in our fast lives, so I try to make it count by mostly spending it with people I care about, playing guitar and reading. I also try to make learning new things a somewhat regular practice and this website is the result of one of my efforts to do so!
My earliest memories are tied to Germany, where I experienced what I would call a normal big city life for a kid: full of toys, Nintendo games and the usual hanging out with friends from the neighborhood. My German is still pretty good, although I don’t tend to read in it. I balance reading in Croatian and English depending on the book and its availability.
When choosing what to read, I am very open to all kinds of genres, from Russian classics to contemporary fantasy novels. I like to look at every book critically and acknowledge when something is ‘trashy’, ‘cheesy’ has plot holes, etc. Even so, if you like something, I think you should be the person who can say: ”Yes, this is cheesy, but I like it!”. From contemporary authors I enjoy reading Murakami. As far as classics are concerned, my favorite is The Count of Monte Cristo.
As someone with a STEM background, but high interest in psychology, philosophy and art, I hope I can give you some interesting book reviews, reading suggestions, maybe a different perspective on some old classics and new hits and interesting discussions about all kinds of book related topics. If I manage to make one single person discover or rediscover the joy of reading, or in any way positively contribute to their lives, I will consider myself a lucky man!
Stay safe and curious!